
  •  I celebrated another birthday recently. I likely hit the halfway point of my life quite a while ago (unless I plan to live to 130) highlighting the fact I’m well into the last half of my life. Which forces an answer to the question of one willing to ask, “what matters most for the second half?”The answer for me came swift and certain. I must tell what I know about Jesus, what I’ve learned and experienced […]
  • I’ve been walking on this planet long enough now to have been young, raise a family to adulthood, and now be a spectator in watching what kind of a world my grandchildren are going to grow up in. To use one of their favorite expressions, “it’s terrifying”. In context, let me declare a few things: I believe Jesus is all-powerful and God is in control of the kingdom calendar; nothing surprises either of them, or […]
  •  Some think Valentine's Day love is what is to be celebrated today, but there's something else on the calendar that represents a much deeper, less fickle affection.Is there anything more wonderful than the beginning of a sacred holiday season? No, there is not. The wonder of these sacred holidays is that they simply cannot be fully appreciated and celebrated in just one day (or two if stretched). Not if you want a robust, meaningful celebration at […]
  •  In my Bible reading plan last week, I found Job at the end of his responses to his friends' accusations and advice (chapter 31) and his rope, I think. Not only does our suffering friend vigorously defend his reputation (the good old days when people respected me!), but he demands a trial before God. Cue the dramatic music. The app host teaches that this indicates pride and entitlement issues even though Job is earlier declared righteous […]
  • Oh this week between Christmas and the new year. It's brutal. So disorienting. Does anyone even know what day it is? Number or name? My lesson learned and note to self: take this week off work in every year to come. Many I know have moved on from Christmas or are ready to. I grimace when I hear that trees are down or coming down and decor packed up for another eleven months. "The weather is […]
  • These dark mornings, I love them so. Some can't deal with this December feature, but I weirdly look forward to it all year. I've found a kindred spirit in author, Barbara Mahany. She's written a book called "The Stillness of Winter" and I read it annually. It's not an Advent devotional, but she mentions this glorious season. Sometimes someone else puts your words on paper better than you ever could.If I didn't have a job […]
  • Finally, Halloween has passed, and we move closer to the good stuff. Daylight savings is over, which means we are on to cozy season: casseroles, candlelight, and pajamas at 6pm – or earlier.I realize it's only the beginning of November and we still have Thanksgiving in front of us to celebrate. I really do. And you know I wholeheartedly practice delayed gratification – insisting on enjoying the season you find yourself in, not rushing the […]
  • I finally had some extra time in the car this week to listen to a podcast I've been eager to hear. It was an interview with an author I dig, and the subject was aging; a Theology of Aging to be precise. That phrase grabbed my attention as, unless I'm going to live a decade into my hundreds, I'm well past the halfway point of my life and I am always looking for instruction on […]
  • So, I have something to tell you.In our (extended family) when one declares such an announcement, the first follow-up question one unnamed member (ahem), may or may not be known to ask is: "Will this be the long or short version?"How rude.You see, the thing about this family, we are long-winded. If you've been reading this blog for a while or know me at all, you are probably thinking, "no joke". That said, do you […]
  • Early while it's still dark, before anyone knows whether the sun will shine brightly or be hidden by clouds for the day, and a few minutes before the neighborhood rooster announces its morning, I find my way first to the coffee pot and then my favorite space to pray.Last Christmas, two of my kids chose a book off my wish list and presented me with The Valley of Vision, a book of Puritan prayers and […]
  •  Do you remember those old Pier 1 Imports commercials – usually popping up during the holidays – sporting the theme "find what speaks to you"? In each fifteen or thirty second spot, the selected products would "say something" charming and cute to the female shopper (why always a woman I wonder) and she would scoop up the irresistible item. One of my favorites was a stuffed owl I think that when making eye contact with […]
  • We seem to have passed the half-way point of summer. It's funny how everyone has an opinion about the speed in which time goes. Those who dream of the heat all year long lament "it goes too fast." While those who can't stand the humidity and high temps are dreaming of a pumpkin spice latte and sweater weather right about now.I don't like to rush any seasons because I love the beginning of each one […]
  • This Easter weekend is so tricky, isn't it?To live "in the story". To pay attention.Like today for example: Silent Saturday. It's a sacred day. We would do well to rest, as God and Jesus did, as the disciples, the women, all the Jewish folk observed Sabbath rest. Be still, be quiet, wait, watch. Trust. Don't worry or fret. No mindless chatter or activity.Yet here I am, doing laundry, changing over winter curtains to spring/summer, running […]
  • Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. Some of you know this because you've already been engaged in this sacred season through fasting, praying and giving to the poor these past six weeks.But this week things are ramping up. Can you feel it? Today, we remembered Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem on an appointed donkey. He sat on the lowly animal and rode into the busy city while the crowd erupted into 'messianic […]
  • A good friend/spiritual mentor of mine told me many years ago that he always has a book on prayer going because his prayer life can always be improved. I've never forgotten that and try to keep that practice myself as my prayer practices, too, can always be improved.Earlier in the summer, as I wrapped up a slowly savored, wonderful book titled "Deeper" by Dane Ortlund, the author recommended his favorite book on prayer. I perked […]